Thank You Bellevue Community School District

The Hilmer family would like to extend a huge thank you to the Bellevue Community School District for giving me the opportunity to serve as the superintendent of Bellevue CSD. We have met so many great people already and feel like we have been welcomed with open arms. We are excited for this opportunity and look forward to meeting many more of you this summer. 

We would also like to introduce ourselves to those that may not know us. My name is Mike Hilmer and I will be starting in my role as the superintendent at Bellevue CSD on Monday, July 1. My wife Jaci (Jackie) and I have been married for 24 years and have three children. Jaci will be the school counselor at Andrew Community School District this upcoming school year. Jake is 23 years old and just graduated from Upper Iowa University where he played basketball and baseball. He will be playing basketball over seas this fall. Austin is 21 years old and will be a junior at Upper Iowa where he plays basketball too. Jori is 7 and will be in second grade at Bellevue Elementary School where she will play basketball as well! 

Special thank you to the Bellevue CSD school board and all the community members on the interview committee. Really enjoyed the process and excited to be a part of the success here. Thank you to Jeanette Hartung-Schroeder, Jeff Recker, Abbey Skrivseth, Rhonda Roth and Brett Ernst for all their extra help and to Tom Meyer for making the transition much easier.

Mike Hilmer

Superintendent of the Bellevue Community School District

563.872.4001 (Ext. 4)

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Video Updates from Tom Meyer